You may be looking for support to Live – get through the day; or to Heal – care and tend to emotional wounds; or to Grow – using your gifts, strengths, and story to enrich your life and those you Love. We want to support you through every step of this process, as well as answer any questions you may have. Below we’ve listed a few of the questions we get the most often, but if we missed anything, please give us a call at 260.244.0264 and we will help in any way we can!

Who should go to a therapist?

Therapy is a healthy thing to do. Regardless of what you have experienced or what you are dealing with in life, everyone can benefit from having a safe, supportive, and objective place to share, process, and grow. Everyone— young children, adolescents, teenagers, adults, couples, and families can benefit from therapy. We even offer some group training and therapeutic interventions that can help in the work place and in organizations to help with communication and effective collaboration. For some people, therapy gives them tools to help them deal with specific life changes or circumstances such as trauma, divorce, death, job loss, chronic illness, etc. For others, therapy is helpful for dealing with more long-term difficulties such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, or other more chronic forms of mental illness.

What if I don’t know what my goals are for therapy?

Your therapist will help you to identify appropriate goals. During the course of therapy your goals may change. However, establishing a direction will help you get the most out of the experience.

What can I expect?

A session for adults and adolescents lasts about 50 minutes. For children the session is generally 40-45 minutes depending on the age and focus of the child. For therapy to “work,” you must be an active participant, both in and outside of the therapy session. However, our therapists are never going to push you faster than you are ready to process things. Therapy is your time to process and you get to set the tone for what you want to work on, talk about, and process through and how fast you want to do that. We value the therapeutic relationship as the number one predictor of success in therapy. We want to pair you with a therapist that feels like the best “fit” for you and work hard to gather information to do that. We encourage you to communicate your needs with your therapist to work toward that therapeutic relationship that allows you to feel safe, supported, and connected in therapy.

Is my privacy protected?

Privacy, confidentiality, and the highest of quality in care are some of the things that we value most at LiveHealGrow Counseling.  Working and providing care in a small town community brings with it great benefits and great challenges.  We want to recognize that many of our clients chose LiveHealGrow for their counseling needs due to the familiarity and comfort they may feel with our clinicians or our leadership whom they may have known for years in this small community either personally or from a distance.  We also want to recognize that because it is a small and tight knit community, there may be times when you will interact with one of our staff members in another venue or capacity.  We want you to know and understand what we will do as a practice to provide quality care to your family.  

  • Conflicts of interest – Therapists in our practice maintain a professional relationship with you and your family that is unbiased.  We will not assign a client to a clinician that has a personal relationship with you outside of the therapy process.  Sometimes we get requests for therapists that you may know personally, we will discuss this with you and your family to determine how we can support you best and if unbiased care can be provided for all involved and discuss a treatment plan that addresses any and all concerns that may be present. 

  • Confidentiality – There will be times when you will see or interact with members of our staff in the community.  We will take your lead on whether or not you want to interact with us outside of the office.  We will never ever share personal information about you, your family, or your case outside of therapy.  If you do choose to say hello to us outside of the office, we are happy to say hello or interact with you but it is also okay to choose not to interact with our staff members and it’s important to us that you know we will not take that personally in any way. 

  • Other staff members – As you begin therapy here at LiveHealGrow, you may realize that although there is no conflict of interest with your own therapist, there are other staff that you know personally or have connection with in the community.  Please know that your file, your personal information, and the content of your therapy is private and will not be shared with others not involved in your care.  When a personal relationship with another staff person is known, additional measures can be taken to assure that information is protected even in supervision and administration of your case.  If you have an outside relationship with any of our staff or any concerns about privacy/confidentiality, please make a member of our leadership or administrative team aware so we can address any concerns. 

What kinds of records are kept and how is my privacy protected?

Written records are kept in compliance with federal and state law and professional mandate. Such information includes basic contact information (i.e., name, address, phone numbers, emergency contact information), clerical information related to billing and insurance (i.e., social security number, insurance policy numbers), and progress notes and treatment records.