LiveHealGive Seminars for Families


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, our seminars are being held in a 1-on-1 in person or online group setting for the foreseeable future.

As part of beginning therapy, families will be asked to register for a LiveHealGive seminar. This group setting provides information that will be useful to your family’s unique circumstances, and will give you an overview of what to expect from your child or teen’s treatment.

Each LiveHealGive seminar provides families an introduction to the Boggs’ LiveHealGive Model. This is a treatment model unique to Choices and Changes that we use with children, teens, and families. You can learn more about the LiveHealGive model on the “Our Model” page.

Caregivers will learn about the heartbeat of LiveHealGive, and the quality of services to expect as they begin professional therapy support. Further information on each LHG seminar as well as upcoming dates can be found below.

Kids Outside the Box

Understanding how to see, accept, and support children with varied needs at home, school, and in relationships

Parenting is no piece of cake. No child is the same. Each are unique in their gifts and challenges. However, typically developing children grow skills for focused attention, planning, following directions, emotional regulation and social skills in anticipated phases of development. Academic and extracurricular activities are designed to support and strengthen these skills in children according to their developmental age. There are many children who do not naturally develops these skills in the expected developmental stage and age. There are many children who need repeated teaching and training to develop these skills that develop so easily for other children. What’s a parent to do?

In our Kids Outside the Box seminar, families will learn (or be affirmed) how Kids Outside the Box (KOtB) experience and view the world in ways that often create challenging situations for them at school, home, and community. Families will be educated on the unique grief process and compassion fatigue for caregivers raising KOtB. Families will learn ways to advocate and care for their child and themselves through successes and difficulties.

Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.

Life in and after the Storm

Understanding the impact of trauma on child development and how to care well for children after traumatic experiences

We are familiar with our children being scared during a strong thunderstorm. The sounds of wind and thunder, flashes of lightning, and the heavy rain are intense and unpredictable. Children seek to be near a loved one for comfort that it is going to be ok. There are many other experiences in a child’s life that feel like an unpredictable storm, where fear and a need for comfort from a loved one rises up.

In our Life in and after the Storm seminar, families will learn what we mean in the mental health field when we say a child has experienced trauma. Specific traumatic events and unmet child needs will be examined to better understand how children often think and feel about themselves, others, and the world when they have experienced trauma and loss. Families will learn what they can do to care well for their children during and after a trauma storm. Families will also learn common effects of child trauma on caregivers, and the support they need to care for their children well in and after the storm.

Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.

The Wave Rising

Understanding how ongoing and cumulative stress overwhelms our children and leads to challenges at school, home, and in relationships

Just like us, our children experience waves of stress as they grow and live in this world. Some waves are small and they swim right through them. Other waves they ride with excitement. And sometimes the wave is just too big, or their balance wasn’t right, and the wave crashes down and pulls them under. Then another wave and then another come, and the child can’t catch a breath. They can’t recover. Every wave is too big now. They need rescued. They need rest. They can ride the waves again, but not right now. Right now, they need to recover from the waves that overwhelmed them.

In our The Wave Rising seminar, families will learn about stressors children experience as they grow. As adults, we have many responsibilities and stressors, so it is common to miss or underestimate the impact of stress on our kids. Families will learn the common behaviors children use to communicate stress, as well as how caregivers can care well for stressed out kids.

Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.

Binding Together

Understanding how attachment and bonding impact child development in mind, body, and spirit

From the womb, our children experience their first attachment relationship – to the mother who nurtures and sustains them. Outside the womb, additional caregivers (fathers, grandparents, childcare provider) become attachment relationships. The repeated experiences in these attachment relationships build pathways in the brain connecting experiences, feelings, and meaning. Just as we drive familiar roads to get home every day because it is most efficient, a child’s brain will utilize well worn pathways of experience in the brain to develop their understanding of themselves, others, and the world. Like a gardener sowing seeds and tending plants over time, children need primary caregivers to sow seeds of safety, nurture, engagement, and challenge, and tend to their growth. There are times when sowing and tending to these seeds does not happen consistently, at all, or in a way that supports the child in developing secure attachment. There are many ways attachment can be wounded. Some examples are an extended absence of a primary caregiver, caregiver substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and mental health impairment. Children experiencing foster care or adoption are also at risk for disruption in attachment development.

In our Binding Together seminar, families will be introduced to what attachment is, and how attachment is interconnected with brain development, emotional regulation, and child development. Families will learn how daily interactions with their children can promote and strengthen secure attachment and healing for attachment wounds.

Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.

LiveHealGive Shared Parenting

Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.


Next offered: Check back soon for upcoming dates.